multilateral trade negotiations

英 [ˌmʌltiˈlætərəl treɪd nɪˌgəʊʃɪˈeɪʃənz] 美 [ˌmʌltiˈlætərəl treɪd nəˌgoʊʃiˈeɪʃənz]




  1. Uruguay Round of the GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations
  2. Agriculture trade policy issues have, however, been largely excluded from earlier multilateral trade negotiations.
  3. The HKSAR is a staunch supporter of free and open trade and supports the launching of a new round of broad-based and balanced multilateral trade negotiations.
  4. In addition to setting codes of conduct for international trade, GATT has sponsored several rounds of multilateral trade negotiations, and the United States participated actively in each of them, often taking a leadership role.
  5. Having regard to the Multilateral Trade Negotiations;
  6. The HKSAR welcomes the launching of a new Round of multilateral trade negotiations at the WTO's Fourth Ministerial Conference concluded in Doha, Qatar in November.
  7. Hong kong's business will benefit from the positive outcome of Further Multilateral Trade negotiations.
  8. China supports for the launch of a new round of multilateral trade negotiations on the basis of taking into full account the interests and rational demand of developing countries.
  9. Against this helpful background, terrorism, collapsing stock markets, war, soaring oil prices, protectionist pressures, a failing round of multilateral trade negotiations and global imbalances have failed to halt the underlying dynamic.
  10. The final legal texts of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations and the subsequent agreements in the framework of WTO have promoted the development of rules of Electronic Commerce.
  11. The WTO Doha meeting launched a new round of multilateral trade negotiations, which shows a positive signal.
  12. Acting as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations;
  13. Ministers, in our view, need to prepare for a new "China round" of multilateral trade negotiations.
  14. The Seattle conference held two years ago failed to launch a new round of multilateral trade negotiations.
  15. Taking note that China is a signatory to the Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
  16. With the long-drawn-out conclusion of multilateral trade negotiations, China's accession to the World Trade Organization has entered a substantive phase of the operation.
  17. I also think that concluding the Doha round of multilateral trade negotiations would restrain protectionism and help create greater security of market access for developing countries.
  18. Although the new round of multilateral trade negotiations has been launched, its progress is slow.
  19. Legal instruments embodying the results of the Uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations;
  20. Breathing lifesintosthe multilateral trade negotiations will require significant efforts from all.
  21. After entering the WTO, China will closely cooperate with all WTO members including the EU playing a positive and constructive role in promoting the new round of multilateral trade negotiations.
  22. Non-violation complaints was an important part in GATT/ WTO dispute settlement system, which effectively protect the results reached in the bilateral or multilateral trade negotiations.
  23. On the Prospects for Multilateral Trade Negotiations of the Uruguay Round
  24. The issue of non-trade concerns is a focal point of the new round multilateral trade negotiations on agriculture held by the World Trade Organization ( TWO), which has an important influence on the process of trade liberalization in agricultural products.
  25. As a new service, electronic commerce is developing after Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, so WTO Agreements have no specific regulations on electronic commerce.
  26. Issues of Trade and the Environment in the New Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
  27. The agriculture negotiation is an important issue of multilateral trade negotiations.
  28. Agricultural negotiation has been the focus of controversy in WTO multilateral trade negotiations. It also belongs to "politically sensitive" topic for discussion.
  29. United States Trade Representative completed the multilateral trade negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Kennedy Round, Tokyo Round and the Uruguay Round, and reached a series of trade results, including the establishment of the World Trade Organization.
  30. On October 4, 2006. European Commission suggested that the European external trade policy should transfer from the multilateral trade negotiations to new bilateral or regional free trade agreements negotiations.